Friday, September 30, 2011

Having an Alcohol Addiction Can Lead to Health Problems

Where does one draw the line between being a social drinker and having an alcohol addiction? For many people, the lines aren't always so clear, especially when everyone around them seems to be binge drinking, drinking on a daily basis or glamorizing alcohol use.

Social drinking can easily progress into a psychological, or even physical, dependence over time, as it becomes habitually ingrained in our behavioral patterns. Suddenly, we drink to be more interesting, drink to make others more interesting, drink for courage in social settings, drink to give ourselves a boost of energy, or drink to cover up negative feelings like pain, depression or anxiety.

Alcohol Addiction

Prior to an addiction to alcohol, there is generally a prolonged time period when the social drinker finds that he or she is drinking more frequently, experiencing more adverse effects and is slightly losing control. Alcohol abusers start showing signs like drinking and driving, participating in dangerous activities while under the influence, continuing to drink even when problems with friends or family happen as a result of alcohol consumption and getting into physical fights.

Drinking alcohol begins to interfere with not only social relations, but also obligations at work and school, and in some cases, drinking may even land an individual in legal trouble. These are early warning signs that alcohol use is crossing over into alcohol abuse.

Long-term alcohol addiction can lead to many physical ailments. It is widely believed that alcohol abuse can lead to increased blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Nearly half of chronic alcoholics may have myopathy (weak muscles) and one NIAA study determined that "3.6% of all cancer cases worldwide are related to alcohol drinking, resulting in 3.5% of all cancer deaths." Many alcoholics need new livers or kidneys removed as a result of severe binge drinking. Many alcoholics find that they just cannot function in the real world anymore, suffering strained relationships, bouts of anxiety and severe depression, sleepless nights, hand tremors, loss of appetite and other debilitating symptoms.

Many people who have friends or family members showing signs of alcohol addiction feel frustrated because they desperately care and want to help. However, unless that addicted person is willing to endure treatment, nothing can be done.

Sometimes, binge drinkers will hit rock bottom with a medical emergency before they accept that they have to change their behavior. All one can do is express support, try not to be an enabler and suggest alternate coping mechanisms.

Having an Alcohol Addiction Can Lead to Health Problems

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Reduce Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol - Are There Natural Methods?

Dealing with cravings and a sense of unrest inside makes it difficult to stop a drug or alcohol addiction. In addition to therapy and support groups, there are some natural supplements that can be helpful to balance the inner system and be able to strengthen one's nervous system. Just like a frayed cord on an iron can easily spark, our own constitution is vulnerable when it's not strong. This makes it easy to short circuit. Taking steps to build one's health and nervous system is key to be able to handle the curves life throws at us.

One supplement that has been mentioned by many is l-glutamine. It can get rid of a shaky feeling inside and stop cravings. It is an amino acid, just as l-lysine. This can also be taken to deal with those blood sugar drops that make us think non-stop about sugar snacks, candy and chocolate. Some say that hypoglycemia is part of being an alcoholic , so this may be worth trying as a way to balance your blood sugar.

Alcohol Addiction

A second supplement that's useful for dealing with addictions to drug or alcohol is b-vitamins. They are often called stress tabs. B complex contains different elements, but niacinamide is very good for anxiety feelings and assists with serotonin. Different forms of exercise are also useful for serotonin level balancing but often when there is a lot of stress and craving issues one doesn't want to exercise.

Another amino acid, l-tryptophane, is often used for insomnia problems. However, it has a calming effect on the body and raises serotonin levels. Tryptophane is found in bananas and turkey. It can also be found at health food stores. It has been banned from stores for a number of years due to a contaminated batch from overseas, but has been re-approved and is available as a supplement.

Find ways to not buy into the stress of your life. You can think of the humorous side to things. Remember that when you feel you meet someone who is irritating that they may be reacting to their own situation and it isn't personal. Finally, don't lose precious moments by dwelling on things or holding a grudge.

How to Reduce Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol - Are There Natural Methods?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alcoholism Symptoms - What You Must Know

If you have reached a juncture in your life at which you think you are having a problem with alcohol, you may be curious (if not downright concerned) about what are some of the alcoholism symptoms. The same is the case if there is someone in your family, or perhaps a friend, who you think may be dealing with a drinking problem and who you think may be an alcoholic.

Alcoholism symptoms actually vary from one person to the next. However, there are some common alcoholism symptoms which do occur with some regularity when a person is afflicted with alcoholism. The alcoholism symptoms can appear in both physical and psychological form.

Alcohol Addiction

Some of the more commonplace physical alcoholism symptoms are:

* nausea

* vomiting

* weight loss

* skin discoloration

* red eyes

* puffy face

* numbness in the legs or arms (or all limbs)

* liver damage

* damage to the brain

Some of the more commonplace psychological alcoholism symptoms are:

* depression

* anxiety

* loss of self esteem

* blackouts (there is a physical element to blackouts as well)

* severe mood swings

Typically, a person afflicted with alcoholism will demonstrate multiple alcoholism symptoms on both the physical and psychological level at the same time. It is very rare that a person will demonstrate only one of the alcoholism symptoms. However, you do need to keep in mind in the rare instances in which only one of the alcoholism symptoms manifests itself, an individual could still be suffering from alcoholism.

The absolute and sad reality is that if the disease of alcoholism progresses, a person's life is at risk on both the physical and psychological levels. Alcoholism is a fatal disease. A person can end up dying from either the physical alcoholism symptoms (for example, liver failure) or from the psychological alcoholism symptoms (for example, suicide).

Alcoholism Symptoms - What You Must Know

Monday, September 26, 2011

Alcohol Abuse Treatment With Natural Ingredients Makes Kicking the Addiction Easier

"Hello, my name is Bill W. and I am an alcoholic." That became one of the best known introductions any American has ever spoken or heard. He wore it as a badge of courage and helped millions of others to do the same. In 1935, Bill Wilson bravely became one of the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Bill W. went through hell with his alcohol detox and recovery from alcoholism. Hopefully, if you listen to him, you'll have a much easier getting clean and sober...and staying clean and sober.

Alcohol Addiction

This written piece isn't being done to sell you on the merits of Alcoholics Anonymous. You don't have to scour the internet to find the values and benefits of AA. They're everywhere. What you're reading here is different.

This is about the lesser known passion Bill Wilson had about alcoholism. He was a big-time believer in the power of nutritional therapy for managing alcoholism. Bill W. believed in "Vitamins for the Addicted Brain."

When you consume an addictive substance such as drinking alcohol, your brain gets addicted to it. Too much beer, vodka, wine or whiskey, they all lead to the same result.

Alcohol abuse causes your brain to get out of balance. That's why alcoholics seem to only be able to think about their next drink. The addicted brain of an alcoholic has a chemical dependency. It comes to rely on you giving it more alcohol. It needs it to handle brain function. Your brain's neurotransmitters that handled these tasks got depleted. Ironically, they get replaced by the very thing that depleted them - alcohol.

An addicted brain is going to tell you what it needs. As you can attest, it will even demand it. Do you get the picture now? It's not that you don't want to quit your addiction. It's that this isn't relevant to your addicted brain. It doesn't know about it. It doesn't care about it. It just wants to function, and it's now using alcohol to get by. Time to look at a good alcohol abuse treatment.

This is why so many alcoholics "fall off the wagon." Relapses are caused because they weren't equipped to control their addicted brain's cravings to drink.

Alcoholics don't fall off the wagon because they want to fall back on an old, bad habit. They've been through hell, too. No one was adequately addressing the missing biochemical aspect of alcoholism. No one was addressing the addicted brain. Until now that is.

There are limited windows of opportunity in getting a hold of alcoholism Perhaps this is yours. Discover an all-new, all-natural recovery support solution. It's called ModeraXL. And it's low-cost recovery support.

It's a patent-pending blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It delivers your addicted brain the vital nutrients necessary to balance brain chemistry. It can help to inhibit cravings so you don't want to drink alcohol.

All you do is mix a stick pack of ModeraXL with water. It's got a pretty good tasting lemon-lime flavor. You drink it twice or more a day to inhibit your cravings to drink alcohol. It has a calmative formula that helps to promote the good decision that come with mental clarity.

Here's a good reason to explore this as an addiction solution. You can even start ModeraXL while you are still drinking alcohol. The nutrients will help you to inhibit your cravings. You can begin to wean yourself off of drinking alcohol naturally. A much easier alcohol abuse treatment than cold turkey style.

Bill W. took niacin for decades in his recovery. There wasn't anything like ModeraXL in his lifetime. Ten years of clinical research developed the proprietary blend of ingredients. Now you can regain the real, authentic you easier than Bill Wilson could. Now you can have a more comfortable experience with alcohol detox and a recovery process. Now you can have the mental clarity that will help you to get even more out of Bill's fabulous Alcoholics Anonymous program should you choose to give that support community a go.

Alcohol Abuse Treatment With Natural Ingredients Makes Kicking the Addiction Easier

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Alcohol Treatment Centers For Women Offer Hope For Women Suffering From Alcohol Addiction

Alarming statistics on women and alcohol abuse indicates that 9 million women use drugs or alcohol in the U.S. While that number alone is quite worrisome, it does not encompass the millions of women suffering from alcohol abuse in silence as these cases often go unreported. For women secretly suffering from alcohol addiction without any help, their chances of successful recovery are slim to none. In fact, many women without adequate support and treatment see their addictions worsen over time.

Alcohol treatment centers for women often tell stories of how women refuse to seek help for their illness out of fear and shame. Others do not realize that they need help or deny that they have a problem. Many more refuse to get help because they feel they have failed their families in some way. No matter the reasons for turning away treatment, help is available and necessary for many women battling alcohol addiction.

Alcohol Addiction

For women suffering from alcohol abuse, there are several treatment centers designed exclusively for women. The best option, especially for women seeking intensive care, is to choose a smaller treatment facility that can provide personalized attention and treatment plans. A smaller facility is also likely to offer a range of comprehensive treatment options and various therapeutic approaches that can be tailored to fit the needs of the individual. With personalized attention, therapists at smaller facilities may be better able to diagnose the dual disorders that co-occur with alcohol addiction, allowing for proper treatment for these underlying problems. This is often a more beneficial method to treatment because it helps to improve the behavioral patterns that have caused the alcohol abuse in the first place.

Alcohol Treatment Centers For Women Offer Hope For Women Suffering From Alcohol Addiction

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Secret of How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Just over two years ago years ago I was a chronic alcoholic and my life was in ruins. I had been addicted to alcohol for over 25 years, but still found it hard to admit that I had a serious problem. I halfheartedly tried to quit drinking alcohol but every time I failed, I just couldn't imagine a life without it. I also tried to control my drinking, but that didn't work either.

I'd start every day off with a can of strong cider and I'd continue to drink throughout the day. I would frequently drive my car whilst under the influence of alcohol, putting other people as well as myself in danger. I'm embarrassed and disgusted to admit it now, but I would frequently wake up in the morning after a heavy night's drinking, not only with a hangover but in a puddle of my own urine.

Alcohol Addiction

I was serially unfaithful and put myself at risk of contracting venereal diseases and giving them to my partner. I frequently had blackouts and awoke in strange places with no recollection of how I got there. I would always do things that I regretted whilst under the influence of alcohol and yet despite all this I continued to drink. I finally decided that enough was enough after an unsuccessful attempt at suicide and I haven't drunk since.

Here is the exact formula that I used to quit drinking alcohol and I am certain that if you follow these simple steps you will be able to give up drinking for good too.

Accept that you've got a problem

Being able to accept that you've got a problem with alcohol is the first step that you need to take. The person who is ready to quit drinking alcohol is the person who is not in denial. The alcoholic's first line of defence is always to say that they are not an alcoholic and to reel off lame excuses for their habit. It took me over 25 years to be able to say that I was an alcoholic and to stop making excuses for my addiction.

Make a commitment to quit drinking alcohol

Once you have admitted to yourself that you are an alcoholic, the next thing that you need to do is to look at the reasons why you are drinking and ask yourself some questions. For example, why is the thought of life without alcohol unbearable? What motivates you to drink? why do you continue to drink even though it's destroying your relationships and your health? I'm sure you can think of many other questions, just grab a pen and paper and write down everything that comes to mind.

Seek medical help

If you are a chronic alcoholic then you will need to quit alcohol under medical supervision. Make an appointment to see a physician and talk to them honestly about your drinking and your intention to stop. They will be able to prescribe you with medication to make the withdrawal process a comfortable experience.

Stop drinking

Once you have stopped drinking alcohol it will be necessary in the early days to avoid the people and places you associate with alcohol. It may be a good idea you to find a support group where you can discuss your feelings and ask for help should you need to. I would recommend that you look at SMART and Rational Recovery as these are two great resources available to you on the Internet. I personally wouldn't recommend Alcoholics Anonymous as I didn't find them to be helpful and I don't believe that their recovery statistics are that great, but that is only my opinion.

Make a plan

Once you have stopped drinking alcohol you need to come up with a strategy to keep yourself from returning to it. In the early days of stopping drinking you will come up with all manner of excuses to return to it. You may decide that you will be able to control it, you will start to see it as less of a problem, you will start to remember only the good times that you had drinking etc. For every argument you will need to have a solid counter argument. So think about all of the reasons why returning to drinking might be an option and write them down along with all of the reasons why you want to stay stopped.

Get support from your family and friends

Tell your family and friends how serious you are about stopping drinking and ask them to be considerate of your decision. Ask them not to drink around you in the early days and avoid having alcohol in the house. Their support will make not drinking a lot easier.

Keep a diary

It's a very good idea to keep a diary when you stop drinking and it can serve as a powerful tool in your recovery. Writing down how you are feeling and all the problems that you are experiencing can be liberating and will keep you firmly committed to overcoming your addiction.

The Secret of How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Friday, September 23, 2011

Alcohol and Addiction - understanding the differences between use, abuse and dependence

When teaching chemical dependency, it is essential to start with a brief discussion about the differences between the substance "use" "abuse" and "addiction." "Use" includes the use of "appropriate" mood of alcohol or drugs. The intended use of a chemical means that the consumer of the chemical at the right time, in a suitable location and in the right quantities. E 'on the application of a drug in a way that meant to be usedand persons as appropriate, the consumer is defined.

If children are using alcohol (or other non-prescribed mood / mind altering drug), is considered an abuse. The consumption of alcohol (or non-prescribed mood / mind altering drugs) is considered child abuse. Every consumer is regarded as an abuse of illicit drugs. If someone has a prescription drug that was prescribed for someone else consumes, is considered an abuse. With the chemical form in a way thatContrary to the destination). This could also take other drugs in a manner not prescribed - in terms of quantity, shape or frequency. It could mean the chemical used at the wrong time or place. You could get drunk on alcohol here. Consumption is also unfair when the chemical on a greater importance in the lives of consumers.

Alcohol Addiction

"Abuse" includes the continued consumption of alcohol despite negative consequences. A person whodrink too much alcohol or too often can still abuse, must not only dependent on alcohol or alcoholic. The diagnostic criteria for abuse are a number of symptoms that do not meet the criteria for addiction, but also symptoms like this: continue to drink despite the problems in different areas of a drinker of life, impairment of ability to care for their roles and responsibilities, and drinking recurring situations that are dangerous (for example drunk driving).

Alcoholor drug abuse or dependence to be considered, if the above criteria are present, along with the following symptoms:

1 planned) under the influence of alcohol or other drugs in larger amounts for a longer period, 2) have tried and failed to reduce or stop, 3) spending a considerable amount of time to contain the chemical substance (alcohol to obtain ), use it, and to recover from its use, 4) a waiver or reduction of important activities such as social life, work or leisureActivities due to the chemical, 5) tolerance to the effects of alcohol or other drugs, 6) the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when you stop or reduce.

Tolerance is the need for more of the chemical to achieve the same results or effects of the same quantity of the chemical have a minor effect. Withdrawal symptoms include physical and psychological chemical derived from the stopped or significantly reduced.

Although the preceding descriptions are as usual criteria forclinical diagnostic purposes, think, use, abuse and addiction is a finite, discrete categories of problematic when you think of addiction as a chronic and progressive. The progression of addiction from first use until the end of the stage, there may be some or all of the previous descriptors from a point about "use" "abuse" before that "addiction" or "addiction." For some people "use" is not in progress stages. For others, used to obtain thenext step and stop. Alcoholics or drug addicts progress from use to addiction. The progression can be fast or slow. With the refusal, an alcoholic, show symptoms of alcoholism (identifiable by a professional) for a decade before an awareness of their personal dependence.

After the consumption of an addiction, can not "abuse" back. For some, the progression to addiction begins with the first use of alcohol and other drugs (AOD). For others, it could be a term,responsible consumption of alcohol (or drugs), which over time, before this model continues to later stages and finally into addiction. Some people experience a genetic predisposition to addiction. Others do not, but with time and become addicted to the behavior. Some people who use alcohol and other drugs (AOD) in their families of origin and experience in their genetic predisposition is not addictive.

While it seems reasonable to distinguish betweenand the use, abuse and dependence, a warning is appropriate. "Use" can not "use" when the environmental and genetic influences, have emotional and behavioral risk factors. "Use" may be the initial stage of the progression of addiction.

Alcohol and Addiction - understanding the differences between use, abuse and dependence

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Tips For Those Who Are Under an Alcohol Detox Diet

When trying to get off from alcohol and drug addiction, remember to have a medical or health personnel monitor your daily activities to be sure of having a safe way of detoxifying away from alcohol. Recovery from an alcohol addiction will take time and the first step to take is by having an alcohol detox program.

Pulling away from alcohol is the first and the most important step in beginning a cleansing method which will eventually erase all alcohol traces from your body system. Alcoholism is being dependent on alcohol and during the detox program; withdrawal will have to be done. This is to remove all alcohol based toxins from the body. Many are having a hard time mentally and physically to pull away from alcohol. After the withdrawal stage, therapeutic and emotional readiness will follow. Others try to skip the withdrawal stage and the next, but the detox process would al be useless without these first two steps. Therefore, it is important to defeat all cravings for alcohol to assure a success detox diet.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol detox is the period of time for a person to defeat one's physical reliance and cravings for alcohol. In rehab centers, this procedure is well monitored by medial and health personnel who are knowledgeable in dealing with the moods and temper of alcoholics as they track their way to recovery. The main goal of this detox method is to free one from his or her addiction from alcohol and also to help patients go through the process easily and painlessly. In alcohol rehab centers, they offer supervision and advice to those who are in their program. An alcohol detox program is often offered in centers where they have people who can monitor and guide their patients all the way to their recovery.

Going though an alcohol detox is not easy and enjoyable. It can also have great effect on the patient's physical and emotional state. Those who have completed the program stated that the experience was traumatic and the withdrawal stage can cause physical and mental effects which ranges from mild to severe. This is why it is important that a patient should get through with this process in a well equipped and with fully trained staff to assist the patients who are going through the difficult times of the process. Patients under the program experiences headaches, vomiting, insomnia, delirium tremors and even seizures. Alcohol detox is recommended to be professionally supervised since one in four patients may have occurrence of seizures and convulsions.

An alcohol detox program can lasts for three to seven for most incidents after which the rejuvenation method starts. This procedure is difficult but the person doing it will have a big opportunity to have a health recovery due alcohol detox and it is not stressful.

Tips For Those Who Are Under an Alcohol Detox Diet

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alcoholic Anonymous

There are many different groups of people that have been part of the alcoholic anonymous organizations. These are organizations that people are going to go for help when they do not want people to know they are going. That is why they are called the alcoholic anonymous groups. It is all because they do not want others to know that they are trying to get help for a problem they are having. There are many reasons that you may be going to an alcoholic anonymous meeting for some help. You may think that this is the only way that you are going to receive the help that you need.

When you choose to go to the alcoholic anonymous meeting, you are one of the few that is ready to admit that you have a problem with the alcohol that you drink all the time. If you are able to do this on your own that is great because then you are ready to get the help, that alcoholic anonymous is going to be able to give you. If you are one of the ones that will only go to the alcoholic anonymous, meetings because you are required by lay to go thru them. You are not going to take all the information into heart that you will be receiving from the alcoholic anonymous meetings.

Alcohol Addiction

When you feel that, you are in need of help because of you drinking but you are not ready for everyone to know that you are seeking out help you will want to check into some of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are out there to help you out with your problem that you may be having. When you see that you have a problem and are willing to get the help for it them you are taking the biggest step that there is and that is to go to an alcoholic anonymous group and say that you need help to get thru the problem that you are having.

When you see that the drinking is causing much pain in your family you are going to want to face your problem and check out some of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are in your area so that you can get the help and support that is needed to get thru your addiction. You must remember that the alcoholic anonymous groups are there to help you out and not to get on your case about the problem that you are having with the drinking. You are going to need a lot of patience and confidence in yourself that you will be able to beat this addiction that you have so the alcoholic anonymous group can get you thru it with out much pushing away from you.

Alcoholic Anonymous

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is a widespread addiction. There are conflicting counsels about how to stop drinking alcohol. You have to chart your own course from the myriads of crisscrossing ways to stop drinking alcohol.

Have a Clear Vision

Alcohol Addiction

A clear vision about an alcohol free life can motivate you and strengthen your efforts to stop drinking alcohol. If you stop drinking alcohol, you will improve your general health and quality of life. Your relationship with your parents, spouse, children, friends and relatives will improve.

Adverse Effects of Addiction

Addiction to alcohol may increase your chances of injuring yourself and others under its influence. Alcohol addiction ruins the life both physically and emotionally. It reduces the man to be his caricature. You set bad example before your children and forfeit moral authority to check them if they do anything wrong. There are numerous steps about how to stop drinking alcohol.

Self Help-Introspection

Think hard and try to see the benefits of abstaining from drinking alcohol. You may have been discarded by your boy/girl friend you loved most just because you are an alcohol addict and are given to repeated relapses. You may not have been able to realize your dream of distinguishing yourself, for example, as an art designer just because of your alcoholism. Try to analyze the outcome of your past drinking and envision your future. How it would change if you stopped drinking. Make a determined effort to stop drinking once for all. When you do so, you may be having conflicting thoughts about the benefits of stopping to drink alcohol and your helplessness in giving it up altogether.

Ambivalent Thinking

This ambivalence about drinking comes naturally to all the alcohol addicts. On the one hand you want to stop drinking alcohol and on the other hand you are terrified of giving it up. You may be afraid of failure. "What if I relapse again? My hopes will be dashed. It would be greatly demoralizing. I would be depressed more than ever before." These dilemmas are faced by every addict trying to give up drinking. You may even deny your disease is chronic, incurable and progressive. Then there is one part in you that wants to drink for ever. A voice in you may also say that you are doomed for ever to this life of drinking. This voice may urge you to take a peg right now. This self denying pessimistic stance may impel you to continue drinking since it is impossible for you to quit it for ever.

The 'Voice' and You

However you must try to distinguish between 'that voice' and you, that is, your own real person. 'That voice' does not care anything about you, your values, welfare, dreams and ambitions for a good, happy and healthy life. Make up your mind to fight that voice and you are sure stop drinking alcohol once for all.

Support Groups-Alcoholics Anonymous

If self help does not succeed, there are numerous other resources to help you about how to stop drinking alcohol. One such popular resource is Alcoholics Anonymous-AA- that organizes meetings all over the world for those who wish to stop drinking alcohol. This group is comprised primarily of those persons who have been alcohol addicts. It may be noted that these persons are more qualified in offering useful tips and advice based on their own efforts, agonies, experiences and success stories. How can a person who has never touched alcohol throughout his life tender an effective and practical advice against taking it?

Alcoholics Anonymous keeps your identity anonymous. They have a 12- step universal program about how to stop drinking alcohol. It works for every alcohol addict. It is being presented to the public practically through every treatment program. Besides AA you can contact your family physician, psychologists, health professionals in outpatient and inpatient treatment centers and hospitals. You can also log on to internet to find many voluntary organizations that are only too happy to help you about how to stop drinking alcohol.

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Alcohol Addiction - The history of alcoholism

If you see someone on the street, something to drink from a brown paper bag, you automatically assume that they drink alcohol, although it is difficult to pin it back when it was actually done. We can confirm that the ideology of alcoholism dates back to 1849 when Magnus Huss first linked to the consumption of alcohol to serious health conditions.

The word (alcoholism) came to the United States are recognized with the establishmentand called the growth of a self-help group in 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous, or "AA". Alcoholics Anonymous does not pose a definition of alcoholism, but compares it with allergy and illness, the support team to a method of accountability and responsibility.

Alcohol Addiction

E. Morton Jellinek, a doctor from New England, was the first to classify the most frequent problems in chronic alcoholics. Jellinek's definition of alcoholic beverages, said: "Alcoholics are those excessive drinkers whose dependenceThe alcohol so that shows considerable noise or interference with their physical and mental health, their personal relationships and smooth economic functioning, or signs of this development is reached.

He added that in these conditions require treatment, and nothing was really ever since apart from some changes in the definition changed through a series of medical environment. The current American Medical Association refers to as alcoholism some chronic underlying disease.

There are, however, say in a minority of doctors who simply do not accept that alcoholism is in fact a disease, and critics such as Herbert Stanton Peele Fingarette only the term associated with consumption of alcohol harmful effects of alcohol consumption.

This is the definition of alcoholism remains an uncertainty means that it is very difficult to detect, especially because there is not much to separate one> Alcoholic drinks only from a person on a regular basis. I fear that only further this debate, and must investigate to find out if you want to participate in a solution, then you know what's going on in blogs like stop drinking seems to be the only place to be is an attempt by all the response to find.

Alcohol Addiction - The history of alcoholism

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